Training with nature as help

Use the nature to help and train your dogs balance and proprioception.

Make sure it’s safe – the idea is to train the balance not put your dog in a situation where they can be hurt.
So when walking on stone and wood make sure it’s not slippery and adjust it to your dogs capability.

You start out with simpler task and build up on

A good start is a larger/medium low stone that they can get up on, paws first if you want, then all paws.
Balance training for your dog stone

Sit/Stand and lay down is also good training – here combined with a stay training.
Balance training for your dog on large stones

You can also use the base of a cut down tree – again just can work with just fron paws up, all paws on, sit, lay etc.
Balance training for your dog on stubbe

For the dog to stretch out in a better way you can use.
Balance training for your dog on high stubbe

Laying trees is also a good way to train the balance, balancing – when walking on them (just make sure they arn’t wet and slippery)
Balance training for your dog walking on a fallen tree

Laying trees is also a good way to train the balance, balancing – and add on with laying down and turn around on it.
Balance training for your dog laying down on a fallen tree

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